GOW Ragnarok - Dwarven Props

These are the parts that are textured, the rest is re-used,  particularly because this would likely always be spinning.

These are the parts that are textured, the rest is re-used, particularly because this would likely always be spinning.

Tiling metal texture I made for use in Dwarven objects in level.

Tiling metal texture I made for use in Dwarven objects in level.

Early on in the project (2018/2019) I put together a dwarven workshop from some wonderful concept art done by the team. It needed some objects and I thought it would be good to work out and put forward a distillation of Norse mythology dwarven style in the vein of our overall aesthetics established in GOW 2018. I felt that needed to happen and be made simple so if could be referenced by others so we could achieve consistency and one could look at an object tell if it was made by or for dwarves. I came up with a triangulation of concepts and used that as the DNA for these early props to see what would stick. A number of these were built to be capable of functioning in animation.

These were all used in the workshop I made, which I don't think ended up in the game as I left to pursue another opportunity before Svartalfheim ultimately took shape. I think the workshop and some of these props were forgotten or unknown as others took over, though I did see some of them got found and used in the game.